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  • Gabriela Lima Caixeta

The Art of Mato Grosso do Sul on the first day into the Campão Cultural Festival 2022

The samba shook the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul on the first day of this year's Campão Cultural. Part of the activities are taking place at the Esplanada Ferroviária, Avenida Calógeras, nº 5045 - near the Central Fair - from the 8th to the 15th of October 2022.

The Campão Cultural brought to Campo Grande several artists from the state, we could find a wealth of indigenous art, books, crafts, sculptures, paintings and gastronomy. At the stands it was possible to find children's books about the history, culture and society of South Mato Grosso.

[Image description]: Literature of MS book stand, inside are the two shelves with colorful books, some chairs and tables by the two corners of the stand, people sitting and walking. Outside the stand there is a Mato Grosso do Sul flag and a banner with the book covers.

This year's Campão invites visitors to participate in workshops in dance, crafts, origami, printmaking, history, film, sculpture, among many others. These workshops help foster interaction with culture and promote access to citizenship directed by the state's artists. Some artists exhibited their work at the event, such as Ryam Paès, an audiovisual artist who told us a little about his art production process and how it dialogues with his roots in Mato Grosso do Sul

[Ryam Paès]: I am a visual artist, I am 20 years old, and I am from Sul-Matogrossense. My artistic line always starts from a question, an inquiry, this provocation to answer something. So I turned this look to myself to ask "who am I?" "where am I?" "what is the space that surrounds me?" then "what is it to be a pantaneiro?" "what is my ancestry?", so I am in this search, in this longing, and I express this question in my artistic production.

[Image description]: Ryam Paès is on the left, in profile, wearing a black blouse and brown shorts, in the background a colorful screen.

[Ryam Paès]: I don't believe that a work of art is enough, it is not born from nothing, it only exists when it comes into contact with other people. So an event that promotes the circulation of people and will put people from all corners in contact with this Pantanal art, this South Mato Grosso art, will build this bridge that is so sensitive and fundamental to my work.

Besides the visual arts interventions, on the stage of the Campão the group Top Samba opened the musical program, the event was succeeded by the concert of the singer Péricles and counted with a very excited audience. Matheus Leony - fellow of the Cidadania Viva Program - besides watching the show, was received by Péricles in the dressing room to deliver an authorial work:

[Matheus Leony]: "For me it's a dream because I grew up listening to Péricles' songs, I've always been a big fan of his and to be able to deliver this artwork to him is a very unique opportunity, I'm very happy indeed"

[Image description]: In the photo are Matheus and Péricles smiling, the singer holding Matheus' artwork. The artwork shows a black musician with a goatee and a half-moon smile. The character is wearing a colorful blouse, a yellow hat, and is playing the cavaquinho.

On other occasions the artist from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul has had his work delivered to important rappers from the national scene such as DJonga and FBC. This time, he showed a lot of emotion after his meeting with the singer Péricles:

[Matheus Leony]: "He said he really enjoyed the art, he found it very interesting and also because of the fact that I am my age, because I am already in a rush, of running after trying to make these cultural movements of delivering the arts, he said he really admires this".

To see the complete setlist with the activities, times and places that are happening at Campão Cultural, access the site:

Translated by Louise Azambuja

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